Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic

It’s good to be back, and  better than ever.

If there’s one thing we must all have learned from this pandemic currently sweeping the globe, being prepared for the unexpected in life is of utmost importance. If you are like me or have been learning from my blog and others like this, then you would have been prepared to shelter in place long before any stay-at-home order was ever given. (Revisit my previous posts: Survival 101 and Survival 101.2 Especially the sections on Food.)

In light of this situation, my next post will focus on what preparations you need to successfully shelter in place. It should be out by the end of this month.

Don’t say to yourself, “That’s sort of too little, too late.”

No one was expecting what happened with this virus, and no one knows what will hit the collective human race next. So even if you feel you were grossly under-prepared for this present predicament, you can take steps now to ensure you will never be taken so unawares again.

I’m here to help with that.

Till next post: Stay safe. Be Prepared. For Life.

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